Lenguas Modernas Inglés

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Win two weeks in Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is running a competition for teachers. 

The prize is an all expenses paid teacher training trip to Cambridge for two weeks!

 It looks like you just have to write a story about a challenge you’ve overcome in teaching.

The tricky thing is the submission has to be there there by  March 1st.

About the Competition
Are you an English language teacher?
Have you overcome a problem when teaching English in your country?
What was the problem and what was your solution for creating a better learning experience for your students?
Enter our Cambridge English Competition for your chance to win an all expenses paid trip to Cambridge with a place on a two-week residential teacher development course at Bell Teacher Campus.

How to Enter

First Prizes

Six winners will be chosen. Each will receive a place on a two-week residential Bell teacher development course with accommodation in a Cambridge college.
 The winners can choose from three teacher development courses all running from 14 - 27 August 2011 at Homerton College in Cambridge, UK:
The top six prizes also include:
·       Economy class flights to and from the UK
·       Airport transfers within the UK
·       Accommodation in a Cambridge College
·       Daily breakfast and weekday evening meals
·       Lunch and week end meal allowance
·       Core programme of social and cultural events

To have more information enter in :

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